Winter Lake

by Candace Antonelli
Original - Not For Sale
Not Specified
16.000 x 20.000 inches
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Winter Lake
Candace Antonelli
Painting - Oil On Canvas
Winter Lake, an oil on canvas, was inspired in the hot summer months when I was dreaming of cooler weather. The reference for this one came from a dear friend who is a wonderful wildlife photographer that I met at an online art community. We followed each other to Facebook and I am always sneaking over to her beautiful photos, admiring her work. She tells me that these are Tundra Swans (also called Whistling Swans) and they are at Lake Almanor in Northern California. It does get below zero in the winter there. This was such a refreshing painting to paint in the dead of the Summer heat in Texas at over 100 degree days. Loved it!
Swans are the largest of the waterfowl and are some of the most beautiful birds to look at. They leave the observer with grand admiration when they see these birds for the first time.
The most abundant are the Tundra Swans and the Mute Swans and they were introduced to our local parks and waterways, but are becoming more and more of a concern, with their increasing numbers and the harm they are causing to shoreline habitat.
Today, all swans are protected birds but this was not always the case. Over-hunting of these birds at the turn of the twentieth century almost led to the disappearance of the swans.
June 5th, 2016
Comments (101)

Patricia Taylor
Love all the shades of white...not easy to do, at least for me. You've captured a beautiful moment on canvas. Just gorgeous! L